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Some projects require a MSSQL database (either legacy or for other reasons). Unfortunately Django doesn't officially support this database (yet).

In this tutorial we will show how to connect to MSSQL from Python/Django using pyodbc.

It is not an open-source software, although it comes with a 30-day trial you have to pay to fully enjoy its amazing features. Gacha 3d mac os. Features: It supports operating systems like WINDOWS, LINUX, MAC OS, etc. All the codes of the Django framework are written in Python, which runs on many platforms. Which leads to run Django too in many platforms such as Linux, Windows and Mac OS. Installation of Django. Install python3 if not installed in your system ( according to configuration of your system and OS) from here. Try to download the latest version of. The latest and greatest Django version is the one that's in our Git repository (our revision-control system). This is only for experienced users who want to try incoming changes and help identify bugs before an official release. Get it using this shell command, which requires Git. Free internet radio, just like Pandora only fewer ads and more variety. Listen to hundreds of genre stations or create your own with your favorite music.

Installing on Mac OS X

First of all we must install two dependencies: freetds and libiodbc. Let's use MacPorts for this (http://www.macports.org/). The MacPorts Project is an open-source community initiative to design an easy-to-use system for compiling, installing, and upgrading either command-line, X11 or Aqua based open-source software on the Mac OS X operating system.

Now we have to install pyodbc and django-pyodbc (in your virtualenv of course!)

When everything is ready we can set up odbc. To do this open ODBC Manager -> Drivers -> Add… and enter this data (change path if needed):

Driver Name: FreeTDS
Driver file: /opt/local/var/macports/software/freetds/0.82_0/opt/local/lib/libtdsodbc.so

It appears as if the system stores ODBC configuration data in /Library/ODBC, but the Mac Ports stores configuration in /opt/local/etc. So lets do some symlinks:

That's it!

Installing on Ubuntu

First of all we must install two dependencies: freetds and libiodbc.

Then we install pyodbc and django-pyodbc:

When we have all in place, we must set up odbc. To do this edit odbcinst.ini file (change path if needed):

sudo vim /etc/odbcinst.ini

and paste this configuration:

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You are ready to use MSSQL now!

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Django Settings

Last step is proper settings file. Here is an example:

Most important are ENGINE and OPTIONS.

'ENGINE' should be set to 'sql_server.pyodbc'
'driver' name is a name used in odbc configuration.
If you use remote db, you must use `'host_is_server': True` parameter.
Last important param is 'TDS_VERSION=8.0'. We must declare TDS protocol version.

After all these steps, you should be able to connect MSSQL successfully.


You might encounter an error when trying to read Decimal fields: MemoryError of fetching results. – on Mac OS X
HY003 Program type out of range (SQLGetData() ) when trying read numerical field (MSSQL) – on Ubuntu

It seems that problem was fixed by wesm at github: https://github.com/wesm/pyodbc/tree/getdata-decimal-bug

When you update pyodbc with this build (pyodbc 2.1.10-beta04) problems should dissapear! Hope this post was helpful and saved you some development time.

Part of this chapter is based on tutorials by Geek Girls Carrots (https://github.com/ggcarrots/django-carrots).

Parts of this chapter are based on the django-marcadortutorial licensed under the Creative CommonsAttribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. The django-marcador tutorialis copyrighted by Markus Zapke-Gründemann et al.

We're going to create a small blog!

The first step is to start a new Django project. Basically, this means that we'll run some scripts provided by Django that will create the skeleton of a Django project for us. This is just a bunch of directories and files that we will use later.

The names of some files and directories are very important for Django. Nightowl mac os. You should not rename the files that we are about to create. Moving them to a different place is also not a good idea. Django needs to maintain a certain structure to be able to find important things.

Remember to run everything in the virtualenv. If you don't see a prefix (myvenv) in your console, you need to activate your virtualenv. We explained how to do that in the Django installation chapter in the Working with virtualenv part. Typing myvenvScriptsactivate on Windows orsource myvenv/bin/activate on Mac OS X or Linux will do this for you.

In your Mac OS X or Linux console, you should run the following command. Don't forget to add the period (or dot) . at the end!


The period . is crucial because it tells the script to install Django in your current directory (for which the period . is a short-hand reference).

Note When typing the command above, remember that you only type the part which starts by django-admin.The (myvenv) ~/djangogirls$ part shown here is just example of the prompt that will be inviting your input on your command line.

On Windows you should run the following command. (Don't forget to add the period (or dot) . at the end):


The period . is crucial because it tells the script to install Django in your current directory (for which the period . is a short-hand reference).

Note When typing the command above, remember that you only type the part which starts by django-admin.exe.The (myvenv) C:UsersNamedjangogirls> part shown here is just example of the prompt that will be inviting your input on your command line.

django-admin.py is a script that will create the directories and files for you. You should now have a directory structure which looks like this:

Note: in your directory structure, you will also see your venv directory that we created before.

manage.py is a script that helps with management of the site. With it we will be able (amongst other things) to start a web server on our computer without installing anything else.

The settings.py file contains the configuration of your website.

Remember when we talked about a mail carrier checking where to deliver a letter? urls.py file contains a list of patterns used by urlresolver.

Let's ignore the other files for now as we won't change them. The only thing to remember is not to delete them by accident!

Changing settings

Let's make some changes in mysite/settings.py. Open the file using the code editor you installed earlier.

Note: Keep in mind that settings.py is a regular file, like any other. You can open it from inside the code editor, using the 'file -> open' menu actions. This should get you the usual window in which you can navigate to your settings.py file and select it. Alternatively, you can open the file by navigating to the djangogirls folder on your desktop and right-clicking on it. Then, select your code editor from the list. Selecting the editor is important as you might have other programs installed that can open the file but will not let you edit it.

It would be nice to have the correct time on our website. Go to Wikipedia's list of time zones and copy your relevant time zone (TZ) (e.g. Europe/Berlin). Sandwiches with death mac os.

In settings.py, find the line that contains TIME_ZONE and modify it to choose your own timezone. For example:


A language code consist of the language, e.g. en for English or de for German, and the country code, e.g. de for Germany or ch for Switzerland. If English is not your native language, you can add this to change the default buttons and notifications from Django to be in your language. So you would have 'Cancel' button translated into the language you defined here. Django comes with a lot of prepared translations.

If you want a different language, change the language code by changing the following line:


We'll also need to add a path for static files. (We'll find out all about static files and CSS later in the tutorial.) Go down to the end of the file, and just underneath the STATIC_URL entry, add a new one called STATIC_ROOT:


When DEBUG is True and ALLOWED_HOSTS is empty, the host is validated against ['localhost', '', '[::1]']. This won'tmatch our hostname on PythonAnywhere once we deploy our application so we will change the following setting:


Note: If you're using a Chromebook, add this line at the bottom of your settings.py file:MESSAGE_STORAGE = 'django.contrib.messages.storage.session.SessionStorage'

Also add .amazonaws.com to the ALLOWED_HOSTS if you are using cloud9

If you are hosting your project on Glitch.com, let us protect the Django secret key that needs to remain confidential (otherwise, anyone remixing your project could see it):

  • First, we are going to create a random secret key.Open the Glitch terminal again, and type the following command: Half-true mac os.


    Roustabout mac os. This should display a long random string, perfect to use as a secret key for your brand new Django web site.We will now paste this key into a .env file that Glitch will only show you if you are the owner of the web site.

  • Create a file .env at the root of your project and add the following property in it:


  • Then update the Django settings file to inject this secret value and set the Django web site name:


  • And a little further down in the same file, we inject the name of your new Glitch website:


    The PROJECT_DOMAIN value is automatically generated by Glitch.It will correspond to the name of your project.

Set up a database

There's a lot of different database software that can store data for your site. We'll use the default one, sqlite3.

This is already set up in this part of your mysite/settings.py file:


To create a database for our blog, let's run the following in the console: python manage.py migrate (we need to be in the djangogirls directory that contains the manage.py file). If that goes well, you should see something like this:


And we're done! Time to start the web server and see if our website is working!

Starting the web server

Jango Mac Os Catalina

You need to be in the directory that contains the manage.py file (the djangogirls directory). In the console, we can start the web server by running python manage.py runserver:


If you are on a Chromebook, use this command instead:

Cloud 9

or this one if you are using Glitch:

Glitch.com terminal

If you are on Windows and this fails with UnicodeDecodeError, use this command instead:


Now you need to check that your website is running. Open your browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer or whatever you use) and enter this address:


If you're using a Chromebook and Cloud9, instead click the URL in the pop-up window that should have appeared in the upper right corner of the command window where the web server is running. The URL will look something like:


or on Glitch:

Congratulations! You've just created your first website and run it using a web server! Isn't that awesome?

Note that a command window can only run one thing at a time, and the command window you opened earlier is running the web server. As long as the web server is running and waiting for additional incoming requests, the terminal will accept new text but will not execute new commands.

We reviewed how web servers work in the How the Internet works chapter.

To type additional commands while the web server is running, open a new terminal window and activate your virtualenv -- to review instructions on how to open a second terminal window, see Introduction to the command line. To stop the web server, switch back to the window in which it's running and press CTRL+C - Control and C keys together (on Windows, you might have to press Ctrl+Break).

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Ready for the next step? It's time to create some content!

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